3D Nipple/ Areola Tattoo
If you are considering 3D Areola
Nipple tattooing as a last step of
your breast reconstruction journey,
you likely have many more questions
about what to expect
At Inked & Blinked, Christina offers complimentary 3D Areola Tattooing for breast cancer survivors!
This procedure is used when the nipple is lost to a mastectomy from Breast Cancer.
Most all women are candidates for 3D Nipple/Areola tattooing. Pigment is used to recreate an image of a natural nipple on the breast skin following breast reconstruction. This procedure is appropriate for women who wish to have a finishing touch applied to their breast reconstruction. Different colors and shadows are added to give a realistic 3D appearance.
Who Qualifies?
Who Qualifies? 3D Areola Nipple Tatooing
Will Insurance Cover My Tattoo?
After a mastectomy, to recreate a 3D realistic
appearing nipple areola complex. This can
be done over a nipple reconstruction and flat
After other breast procedures such as
breast reduction, or nipple grafts where the
pigment has been lost or to achieve areola
• To darken light areola pigment per client
• Generally, yes, please be aware that your
reconstructive surgery must be complete
before proceeding with your tattoos. Tattoos
are the final stage. Please clarify with your
insurance company ahead of time.

What Is The Process? What To Expect?
Pigment is implanted into the skin using
small needles that puncture the skin at
a high rate. The needles leave behind
pigment using the same equipment used
for body art tattoos.
• The skin heals, creating a soft natural
nipple areola complex tattoo.
• Each client will have an in-depth consult
prior to the tattoo. We will discuss the best
color, size, shape and placement of the
• The actual tattooing will take about 1 hour.
About 95% of women have no sensation
after reconstructive surgery.
• Occasionally, some individuals may feel
little pricks. A topical anesthetic is applied
to the area before, and throughout the
• The tattooed area will appear up to 35%
darker until it has completely healed.
Healing takes 8 weeks; just prior
to the follow-up appointment
What Is the Recovery?
Each procedure includes a full sized aftercare bag. Containing ointment, tegaderm, cleanser and a healing schedule along with instructions. It's very important to keep the area clean, no
immersing the tattoo in water(hot tubs,
pools, bathtubs, etc.) Try to be mindful of
these limitations before scheduling your
appointment for best results.
• There may be some itching and peeling
of the skin for the first week or two.
The treated area will be protected
with tegaderm. The tattoo is not yet
complete, until after the 8 week follow-up
• How well you take care of your tattoo from
the beginning will determine its lifespan.
Maintenance for areolas vary as everyone is